Earth Hour Jeddah Top 5 Qs

Listen to this podcast episode on the Top 5 things we ask about Jeddah's Earth Hour event, 2010. Enjoy!


  1. Will the amount of electricity saved be calculated by any governmental entity like MOWE?

  2. Maha:

    We don't have any confirmation on that. Hopefully, if anyone knows anything about it, they'd give us this information.

    In any case, our main goal is to raise awareness, and it would be a huge bonus if and when we do save electricity in this hour. Our hope is that after this event, people would learn more about the different ways that we can save energy.

    Thanks for dropping by!

  3. well honey you r asking something which is way way advanced for us " including me " are you living in jeddah ! do you see the daily life here !
    no one will do that ! especially when there is football game :P

  4. Majed:

    Dunno what you're talking about, everyone seems to be participating. :P

    Get with the program!

  5. i just posted some videos in YouTube.. me and my friend went around to check how Jeddah observes Earth Hour... IKEA and Al Baik did what they promised to...turning off significant lights in and around stores... Jeddah municipality did not as they said they "jeddah earth hour 2010"
